Monday 1 September 2014

Ruddy (foreign vessel), Bulk Carrier

07 July 2014
Ruddy, downbound - Lock 7 in Thorold
Ruddy nearing Lock 7

Petite Forte, articulated tug, mated with barge, St Marys Cement barge waiting for Lock 7. She will have to wait for the Ruddy to be lowered and leave the lock...then the Algoma Transport (unbound) will enter the lock and be raised...after which it will be the Petite Forte's turn in Lock 7. 

Algoma Transport waiting for Ruddy to leave Lock 7. Ruddy is just entering the lock.
Ruddy entering Lock 7
Ruddy in Lock 7, and Algoma Transport waiting down below the lock.
Built: 2009
Home port: LIMASSOL
Owner: Navarone SA, Limassol, Cyprus
Chartered by: Canfornav Inc. (Canadian Forest Navigation), Montreal, QC
Website: Canfornav
Website: Ruddy

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