Sunday 12 October 2014

Hamilton Harbour - Resko, Algoma Spirit, Federal Elbe, Kaministiqua, Heloise, tugs

12 October 2014

Port of Hamilton - Waterfront Trail

According to the Hamilton Port Authority, these were the vessels located there today: 

Vessel Name          Pier         Origin             Cargo / Commodity              Agent

Federal Elbe             Anchor     Milwaukee        Wait On Dock                           Reford
Heloise                    Anchor     Toledo              Grain                                       Currie
Kaministiqua            Anchor     Quebec            Unknown                                 Lower Lakes
Resko                      12E          Atlantic            Sugar                                      Reford
Algoma Enterprise    21            Duluth            Ore                                          Algoma
John D. Leitch          20            Toledo             Coal                                         Algoma
Kurt Paul                  26            Atlantic           General Other                          Reford
Algoma Spirit           10-5        Lake Ontario     Ballast                                     Algoma

Resko (Polsteam) Pier 12E
HMCS Haida National Historic Site - 1943 Destroyer
HMCS Haida National Historic Site 
Tug - Jerry G.
Algoma Spirit (docked) several tugs, including:
Omni Richelieu, Ocean Golf, Tony Mackay, Evans McKeil, James A. Hannah

Harbour-West Trolley Tour (website below)
Hamiltonian Tour Boat (website below) - Federal Elbe, Kaministiqua & Heloise at anchor in background
Views around the harbour from the Waterfront Trail
Burlington Bay Sky (Queen Elizabeth Way / QEW) - ship entrance into the harbour is in the middle of the photo

Kaministiqua (left) & Heloise
Federal Elbe

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