Friday 15 August 2014

Empire Sandy - Onboard - Final...The Captain & Crew

 05 August 2014

These locks were a lot of work for the captain and the entire crew. 
They rarely stopped working for the entire 12 hours 
it took to go from Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie. 
Yet they were all friendly, helpful and good humoured. 

The Engineer joking around and being a good sport
The Engineer and First Mate 
The First Mate and Engineer
The Engineer has to jump off the ship and tie the lines at Lock 2 while we wait for the Heloise to leave Lock 2.
It was a long jump down...
After the Heloise leaves, the Engineer unties the ship and climbs back onboard the Empire Sandy. And a long climb back up! (taken from the ground) This was the procedure each time we had to wait for a lock.
One of the crew taking photos for several of the passengers from atop the wheelhouse.
One of the crew (left) He is the one with the dubious honour of preparing and firing the cannon later that night.
(See Empire Sandy - Onboard - Part Seven)
The Captain in the wheelhouse.
The Captain...heading out into Lake Ontario.

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