Friday 8 August 2014

Empire Sandy - Onboard - Part Three and Tim. S. Dool & Heloise

Allanburg Bridge / Bridge 11 to Lock 7
05 August 2014

Scenes from the ship and canal...

It was amazing to pass a huge cargo ship in the canal.

Allanburg Bridge / Bridge 11
Approaching Lock 7 - The Heloise (ship) is downbound ahead of us lowering in the lock.
We had to tie up and wait for the Heloise to leave Lock 7. Then the Tim S. Dool entered Lock 7 upbound and we waited for it to clear the lock. This is the Tim S. Dool leaving the lock.

Tim S. Dool bridge & crew quarters

Now we enter Lock 7
Waiting to be lowered in Lock 7. Ahead of us is Lock 6, part of the Twin Flight Locks (4, 5 & 6) Each of these locks can handle upbound and downbound ships at the same time.
Lock 7 gate closed in front of us as the Empire Sandy is lowered.
Lock 7 gate and walls
Lock 7 gate opening
Empire Sandy leaving Lock 7
Heading for Lock 6 

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