Saturday 30 August 2014

Pearl Mist (Cruise), Paolyre (Yacht), Atlantic Erie - Part One - Pearl Mist

20 August 2014
Glendale Ave Bridge (Bridge 5) - St Catharines
Pearl Mist and Paolyre, downbound to Lock 3
Atlantic Erie, upbound to Lock 4
Pearl Mist in Lock 4 of the Twin Flight Locks in Thorold, waiting for water to be released so she can lower in the lock and head  down to Lock 3. Locks 5 and 6 are visible above the Pearl Mist. Note the railroad bridge is still closed in front of her.
Pearl Mist lowering in Lock 4. The water is being released from the lock and is roiling in front of the gates.
The railroad bridge is now open waiting for her to leave.
The yacht, Paolyre is behind the Pearl Mist but too low to be visible.
Pearl Mist emerging from Lock 4

Pearl Mist between Lock 4 and the Glendale Ave Bridge (Bridge 5).

Pearl Mist passing under Bridge 5, now in St Catharines, and heading to Lock 3.

Website: Paolyre (Yacht)

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